Thursday, May 21, 2009

Act 2 : Analysis

So now we have finished Act Two and I'm really getting into all the drama. My suspense keeps building up and I really want to know how Nora's going to deal with all this controversy! I'm starting to still see Nora as a very determined woman. The fact that she's not giving up on this makes me wonder how desperate she is to not let her husband know. It also shows me how scared she is to just admit it to her husband and how she's taking it as a "live or die" situation.

As I've been reading I also realized how much of a typical man Helmer is. He treats his wife with no respect more and more. He repeatidly keeps calling her a featherbrain, scatterbrain, and a skylark. Helmer makes it seem like it's normal and perfectly okay to treat his wife like that. Nowadays most women don't take the kind of treatment and there's women these days who are perfectly okay leaving their man behind and being on their own. Back then it was very rare for a woman to go against her husband and make it on her own.

There has also been a big part of this act that really opened up my eyes. Basically when Mrs.Linde says Krogstad would have done anything for her got my mind thinking. I think that's going to foreshadow that she's going to try and help Nora so the secret doesn't get out. Another big thing that came up is that in this act we notice that Dr.Rank has a big thing for Nora ! It reminds me so much of those soap operas like Ms.Santos said but in the way that there's always flings or flirty with a married woman and a "friend" hiding it from her husband. That's definitely one thing I'd like to find out if there's some secret affair going on or just a innocent flirting.

My opinions on the characters pretty much stay the same but I'm starting doubt Nora's intelligence with this whole "secret". Also, Helmer each time he comes up and says something makes me want to scream "JERK!" No woman should be treated with such disrespect and no woman should be so dumb to actually listen and love him. Well then again Nora leaving Helmer back then would have been a very bad move. Hopefully the drama gets even more exciting the next act and Nora finally reveals the secret! ( :

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica, thanks for the comment. Your review of Act II is a real interesting and at the same time entertaining one. It's hilarious how you categorize Helmer as a "typical" man. Also I completely agree with what you said about Nora not being smart on the whole "secret" subject. The tension is building like a stack of cards, the slightest thing is going to bring it down. It was nice how you mentioned how women are then and now. I'm going to look forward reading your other blogs =)
