Monday, May 18, 2009

Act 1 : The Suspense Continues!

In the first act, we meet a married couple Helmer and Nora who are very much in love but very much different. Helmer treats Nora as if she just a woman meant to be ordered around and there for him to listen to his every idea and need. Also, we find out they have three children and that Nora treats them as dolls instead of the children they are. She finds it amuzing to dress them up and I feel that might be because of how Helmer treats her basically telling her in a non-mean way to do what he says. Basically, we learn in the household Helmer has the say but on the inside of everything we all know it's Nora because of what trouble she has got into.

As I've been reading Act 1 of A Doll's House I have noticed many things about certain characters. In a way I feel Nora did what she had to for the right reason and tried to help her family. I don't think many woman today would have the courage back then to go against their husband to save his life. It's pretty amazing how a woman like Nora could love her husband so much to go to those odds to save him. You don't really see many women like Nora going against odds and law to help support her family. This showed me that's a very strong-minded woman who knows what she has to do. As much as she knows it is wrong she supports herself which many women today I feel lack. Women today aren't quick to be leaders as much as men are and I hate that we all sit back and let men rule our lives. More women should stand up for their rights and men shouldn't be so quick to judge women, they could end up being ten times a better leader then a man.

However apart from Nora's controversial stuff she did behind her husband's back I feel the plot is going to get even more intense in the next few acts. After, realizing everything Nora can do I think this will lead her to even more problems in the future acts. I think Krogstad is also up to no good and once he's fired he's going to put Nora into lots of problems. This really goes well with what we see today especially when something goes wrong in a trade off or business situation. When something goes wrong today, people quickly try to get the other person in trouble or try to scare them so they won't get in trouble.

Continuing, the part that really threw my into a fury of how deep in her knees she was with this difficult situation was when she was basically begging her husband to keep Krogstad. Nora showed me at this part how in trouble she was and how at this point she was willing to slump to any level to get her way. It's pretty astonishing what she would do to hide this from her husband. It kind of goes back in my mind each time she begs that why doesn't she just tell him already !? He can't get that mad at her and he definitely won't result to killing her. I think at some point she should just fess up to him and face the consequences for going against him even if it was to help him. It's not like she did for the wrong reasons, right ?

Overall, I feel that Nora reminds me so much of Beneatha from A Raisin in The Sun because of her empowerment to help her husband and family and how frivolous she acts about it in the beginning. Also, how she feels it's her job and that even if its a "man's job" she still does it. Personally, I feel Nora will get into a big mess with this because of her lack of thinking it over and how she'll fix this problem. I really hope to see her grow as character and I would like to see her admit to her husband her mistake which I feel would be very dramatic but it would open Helmer's eye to the real woman he married even as vehemently he'll react. I can't wait to see what's going to end up happening to her. Will her guilt finally hit an all time low or is she just going to keep taking it all in and living it down ?


  1. Hey jess (: I pretty much agree with what you said about Nora in the second paragraph. Although I don't really see her as a leader like you said. Helmer definetley dominates over her and makes most of her desicions.

  2. Interesting analysis on Nora and comparing her to other women of her time.

  3. Jess,

    I thought it was interesting how you first praised Nora for what she did to save her husband, but then you expressed how sad it was that she on her knees begging Helmer not to fire Krogstad. She was strong, yet she was weak.

    Good work!
